Thought of the Day: Mind What You Say, Pastor Zachery Tims Home Going
As many of you know Pastor Tims family has decided that they will keep both the Wake and Funeral Services private. As I was sitting here I began to SPECULATE as to what reasons they might have had to make such a last minute decision. I began to think about my life as the Pastor’s…
Thought for the Day: Jesus and The School Supplies
With back to school swiftly approaching many parents are scurrying through the stores grabbing supplies so that our children are prepared for the first day of school. One supply that we know every child will need is paper. They will draw, write, cut and create on hundreds of pieces of paper a year. We will…
Where Is It Wednesday Answer: John 1
Well done family! The correct answer was given! Here is John 1 where the well known verse “In the beginning was the word, and the word was God” can be found. Hopefully there was no peaking:) Be Blessed RiverAngel42 The Word Became Flesh 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,…
Question Of The Day: Really, "Quick To Hear?" James 1:19
I was having a discussion with some of my friends on Facebook and it led me to this scripture, James 1:19 and it reads “This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger;” So I copied it in my comment and and continued on…
Thought For The Day- Don’t Wait To Be Asked, Just Give
Over the last couple of weeks with all the talk of Unemployment Insurance being cut and tax breaks giving has repeatedly been on my mind and heart. The economy is bad and all of you know someone who is being affected by it. It is virtually impossible for you not to. However so many of…
Question of the Day: Is It Possible To Write In Tongues
I have often heard and witnessed people speaking in tongues. However as I scour the internet and other blogs I often see where people have written in tongues. Is this possible? Where in scripture does it indicate that tongues can be written and read by us? If you have any thoughts or answers please let…
Question of The Day- When Is Your Quiet Time With God
Matthew 26:36-44 Gethsemane 36Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” 37He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. 38Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed…
TD Jakes: A Discourse on Race, Culture, and the Death of Civility
In recent weeks, the clash of race and culture made its way back into the headlines in the most ungracious of ways, signaling the death of civility in its wake. Whether it was the N-word blaring over the airwaves courtesy of Dr. Laura Schlesinger, the heated debate over a mosque too near “Ground Zero” for…