Reverend Jesse Jackson speaks to the City of Refuge 9-22-13 (Video)
The Reverend Jesse Jackson visits the City of Refuge.
Lexi Interviews Tweet and Her Daughter, Tashawna Johnson (Video)
Lexi interviews Tweet and her daughter, Tashawna Johnson. Tweet shares her testimony. She talks about growing up in the church, breaking into the music business, being a teenage mother, drinking, suicide, and redemption. While, Tashawna shares her perspective and personal trials.
It's Like Noah's Ark Wrecking in Zanesville, OH (Video)
Terry Thompson of Zanesville, OH set dozens of animals, including Bengal tigers, lions, wolves, monkeys and bears loose from an animal preserve before killing himself. Police hunted the animals through the night and by the next afternoon, 49 of the 50 animals were confirmed dead. Three leopards, a grizzly bear and two Macaques were taken to…
NAACP 102 Annual Convention, Don Lemon and Wanda Sykes Speak About Being Gay and Church (LGBT Townhall)
“You can’t pray Gay Away!” “Hate the Sin not the Sinner, What does that mean? It doesn’t even make sense!” Thoughts anybody? Be Blessed RiverAngel42
Let The Bible Speak 7-10-11 (Audio)
Program notes: Who made God? Exodus 3:14 – I Am Revelation 1:8 – Alpha and Omega How do you forgive yourself for sinning and being angry? 1 John 1:6-10 – faithful and just to forgive our sin 1 Timothy 2:5 – we have an Advocate with the Father Psalms 51:10 – create in me a…
Question of the Day: What Would You Say To Your Teen If Their Friend Were Gay?
In this day and age there are so many mixed messages being taught regarding homosexuality. Where it comes from, is it a choice, are you born that way, does it stem from some kind of abuse? I think for those of us who are in our 30’s and above we may have ridden the end…