Sermon: Bishop TD Jakes – The Ark of the Covenant (Video)
Bishop TD Jakes teaching about The Ark of the Covenant. sermon notes: Exodus 25:1 – 10 salvation is not free Genesis 6:11 – 14 ark pitched or sealed an ark is designed to preserve something divine collaboration God gives us a plan to follow Genesis 9:18 – 19 Exodus 2:3 – 5
2012 Trumpet Awards Prayer Breakfast (Video)
The Trumpet Awards Foundation held its Annual Prayer Breakfast at the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Atlanta on January 5, 2012. Rev. Natosha Reid Rice, Esq. from Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church was the keynote speaker. Executive Director Xernona Clayton founded The Trumpet Awards to honor African American achievement. The breakfast included a performance by Ernestine Dillard.
Bishop T.D. Jakes – The Crown Has Come To Ziklag 2 (Video)
Bishop T.D. Jakes – The Crown Has Come To Ziklag 1 Samuel 30
TD Jakes Wife, Serita A. Jakes Taping Dr. Phil This Monday September 19, 2011
Bishop TD Jakes twitted the following message this evening: “BishopJakes T. D. Jakes My wife @FirstLadyJakes is about to be a guest on Dr Phil taping on Monday. I am so happy for people to see what I always knew! PROUD” He did not get into what the topic of conversation would be. However she…
Serita Jakes – The Crossing (Video)
[ad#ad] On the way home from a football game, a decade earlier, a masked gunman opened fire on a Texas school bus. Cheerleading coach B.J. Remington was killed, but her murderer was never found. Claudia, who had a close friendship with the young, spirited teacher, constantly relives the anguish of that day, caught in one…
Bishop TD Jakes Woman Thou Art Loosed Conference October 20-22 2011
Well Ladies it is about to be that time of year again. Bishop TD Jakes and First Lady Serita Jakes along with many other anointed speakers are getting ready for this years Woman Thou Art Loose Conference. Pre-Registration has already begun and the cost is 40.00.