Video: Bishop TD Jakes – What’s The Big Idea
Sermon notes: Genesis 39 When your vulnerable you can’t trust your own judgment Don’t mistake the process for the purpose Joseph was operating his gift from prison How can someone as gifted as me have this many problems Sometimes God holds you back so that when He releases you you’ll really have appreciation Purpose will…
Roland Martin Talks With Bishop TD Jakes and His Daughter Sarah Henson About Her Teenage Pregnancy(Video)
Roland Martin talks with Bishop TD Jakes and his daughter, Sarah Henson, about her getting pregnant at 14 years old.
Bishop T.D. Jakes – The Crown Has Come To Ziklag 3 (Video)
[ad#2] [ad#ad] Bishop T.D. Jakes – The Crown Has Come To Ziklag
Bishop T.D. Jakes – The Crown Has Come To Ziklag 2 (Video)
Bishop T.D. Jakes – The Crown Has Come To Ziklag 1 Samuel 30