No Talking During the Test!
So many times many of us have suffered in silent. Praying and waiting faithfully and sometimes in anguish and pain yet we are silent. We adopt the slogan “God turned my test into a testimony” (slogan because it is not in the Bible) yet we carry on the lesson of No talking During the Test…
Dr. Maya Angelou – God is All; When You Die You Go Back To All (Video and Book)
Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander
Pastor Paula White – Understanding Prophecy (Video)
Pastor Paula White goes in deep to explain prophecy and give insight into manifestations of the LORD.
Joyce Meyers Ministries – A Prayer for those with Anger and Gods Grace Helps You Forgive
Here are two thoughts that I thought were really good reproduced from Joyce Meyer Ministries Facebook page. God’s grace helps you forgive… I now put away and rid myself [completely] of all these things: anger, rage, bad feelings toward others, curses and slander, and foulmouthed abuse and shameful utterances from my lips! — Colossians 3:8…
Dr. RA Vernon – I’m Still the Problem (Video)
Each day, people all over the world are met with unrelenting challenges, catastrophes, and circumstances that threaten their existence. Through
Sermon: Bishop TD Jakes – The Ark of the Covenant (Video)
Bishop TD Jakes teaching about The Ark of the Covenant. sermon notes: Exodus 25:1 – 10 salvation is not free Genesis 6:11 – 14 ark pitched or sealed an ark is designed to preserve something divine collaboration God gives us a plan to follow Genesis 9:18 – 19 Exodus 2:3 – 5