Video: Bishop T.D. Jakes – The Power of Perception
Sermon notes: You’ve been asking God to change your situation, maybe you should be asking God to change your perception. Knowledge can teach you how to load a gun. Wisdom tells you when to pull the trigger. You might be working hard, but are you working smart? Jesus cursed fig trees for not having results.…
Video: Bishop T.D. Jakes – Five Things That Make A Man A Good Father
1. Protector 2. Provider of wisdom, friendship, counsel, camaraderie … 3. Promoter 4. Priest 5. Prophet
Video: Bishop T.D. Jakes – Save the Scraps 3
sermon notes: God intended that every time you go through a test you will get something from it your power is not in where you are, it’s in where you’ve been
Video: Bishop TD Jakes – What’s The Big Idea
Sermon notes: Genesis 39 When your vulnerable you can’t trust your own judgment Don’t mistake the process for the purpose Joseph was operating his gift from prison How can someone as gifted as me have this many problems Sometimes God holds you back so that when He releases you you’ll really have appreciation Purpose will…
Video: Bishop TD Jakes – The Faith To Forgive Part 3 (Video)
Bishop TD Jakes – The Faith To Forgive Part 3 sermon notes: we offend God all the tiime John 21:25 (NIV) Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. Luke…
Sermon: Bishop TD Jakes – The Ark of the Covenant (Video)
Bishop TD Jakes teaching about The Ark of the Covenant. sermon notes: Exodus 25:1 – 10 salvation is not free Genesis 6:11 – 14 ark pitched or sealed an ark is designed to preserve something divine collaboration God gives us a plan to follow Genesis 9:18 – 19 Exodus 2:3 – 5
Bishop TD Jakes – Conflict of Being Chosen
Sermon notes: Association with those that are chosen causes you to be on the radar screen for trouble and conflict and adversity. Peter denied Jesus because he was having trouble dealing with the ramification that come with being connected with someone who is chosen. I hope that we have grown to a point were we…