Bishop T.D. Jakes – Let it Go (Book and Video)
Bishop TD Jakes teaches the art of forgiveness as a daily practice. In order to practice forgiveness, he explains, we must first learn new styles of conflict resolution and new forms of anger management. To that end, he shows us how to recognize offenses when they come, establish boundaries, encourage purity of heart, develop trust,…
Pastor William Boss Recalls Being Shot in the Head While Kneeling in Prayer (Video)
[ad#ad] Pastor William Boss was shot in the head as he kneeled in prayer at Greater Faith Christian Church in Lakeland, Fl. A week later he was back in church and even addressed the congregation at Sunday service. He told them the fact that he was walking, talking, and able to form sentences was nothing…
Testimony: God's Hand Shopping Cart Accident (Warning to Parents)
I’m posting this as a warning to all parents, guardians even babysitters so that you might avoid the incident I encountered on Saturday. I know that some of you will read this and feel as though the event was my fault and to be honest because she was in my care you are correct. I…
Question Of The Day – Love, With Spite or In Spite of Fault?
WWJD? Was a popular term a few years back. There were T-shirts and bracelets and all kinds of paraphernalia that adorned the popular slogan. However many of us wore them on our chest and arms without adding them to our minds, hearts and spirit. So my question of the day is were you a letter…
Bishop TD Jakes – Song Of Solomon 7:10-12 A Word For The Wives
Song of Solomon 7:10-12 Married women, Satan will try to rob you and your husband of the passion God created for you to enjoy. The enemy will try to callous your soft, supple flesh with stress and unforgiveness and leave you with a hard shell that impressions a broken heart. He is afraid for you…