Dr. Jamal Bryant – It’s Too Late
Matthew 2:16 Sermon notes: “When Herod realized that he had been outwitted or outdone by the wise men he became angry… because I can’t track Jesus down every boy in Bethlehem who’s 2 years and under I want to kill’em because it was 2 years ago that they were found.” (Instant Disney Classic)The Princess and…
Dr. Jamal Bryant – Christmas Message for Tiger Woods 4
[ad] sermon notes: If you don’t have the gift to regulate your sexuality all the others will be aborted because you have not maintained your flesh. Give me the gift to keep me in check! Let my flesh be under arrest. We only want to talk about sexuality when we get caught. God I need…
Dr. Jamal Bryant – Christmas Message for Tiger Woods 3
[ad] sermon notes: What gift Do You Give Tiger Woods 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 I wouldnt have you ignorant Your gift can not be put in a box by your job. Can’t get into church because you are sitting with a raw gift around people who are not as gifted but they cant put hand on…
Dr. Jamal Bryant – Christmas Message for Tiger Woods 2
[ad] Sermon Notes: Electronic Book: Scroogenomics by Joel Waldfogel Three economic reasons for gift giving in book 1.Re-distribution ” The mantra of Robin Hood” take from the have to have nots. The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just. Proverbs 13:22. Two fish five loaves. Mark 6:41 2. Paternalism “Recalling of how parents…