Bishop T.D. Jakes Conversation With Don Lemon 12-10-11 (Video and Book)
Bishop TD Jakes talks about his new book, “The Relationship Bible”. CNN’s Don Lemon ask Bishop Jakes to share his thoughts on politics, occupy wall street, child sex abuse, parenting, and Bishop Eddie Long.
Bishop Eddie Long's Wife Decides She Wants to Stay Married (Update)
Friday afternoon, a second statement was released by Vanessa Long, stating that she planned to withdraw her petition for divorce. That statement read as follows: “Upon prayerful reflection, I have reconsidered and plan to withdraw my petition for divorce from my husband, Bishop Eddie L. Long. I love my husband. I believe in him and…
Bishop Eddie Long's Wife Files for Divorce
Vanessa Long has decided to file for divorce, according to a statement released by her attorneys on 12-2-11. According to the statement, Vanessa Long, states that “after a great deal of deliberation and prayer, I have decided to terminate my marriage to Bishop Eddie L. Long. Accordingly, I authorized my attorneys to file for divorce…
Bishop George C. Bloomer’s New Look
One of the good things about Fellowship on Facebook is that we get to be connected with a lot of profound theologians, thinkers and other believers who just want to fellowship with one another. Well one of my rituals with regards to FB is to visit other people’s pages and see if they have a…