Question of The Day: How Do You Defeat Depression?
We have so many issues going on around us at any given time. Some of us are not happy at our jobs, while others are constantly seeking employment. We have families whose needs we struggle to meet and as soon as we get our heads above water something else comes along to make us feel…
2010 Booklist – Dr. Jamal Bryant – World War Me (excerpt)
Dr. Jamal Bryant has a recently released book entitled “World War Me”. With this book he states that he wants you to “win the war” that he lost. Happy Reading and don’t forget to share with us what you think of the book. Or even the excerpt!
Bishop TD Jakes – Words of Advice “Let It Go”
I came across this while I was looking for a sermon by Bishop Jakes. Appearantly he wrote this at the end of 2008. Now here we are at the end of 2009 and I know that there are those of us, if not all, that some portion of this will still speak to. Hope you…