Calling All Detroiters! Bishop TD Jakes Will Be At Second Ebenezer TONIGHT!
As copied from Pastor Edgar Vann Twitter page. The tweet below gives you all the details. BREAKING NEWS: BISHOP T.D. JAKES WILL BE PREACHING AT SECOND EBENEZER CHURCH WEDNESDAY NIGHT NOV.9 7PM. Are you going? DO you know where Second Ebenezer is located? Not sure…I’ll get the address for you 🙂 14601 Dequindre Road Detroit,…
Question of the Day: Again I Ask, Why Shouldn't My Children Sit With Me In Church?
Ok so recent on goings in the media have me re-visiting a topic that I broached earlier in the year. That was the idea of Churches urging parents, and some demanding, that children be separated from their families during church services. Well with the death of 3 yr. old Serenity and the sexual abuse several…
Detroit's DTE/THAW Week of Warmth November 11 – 21, 2011 Free Concert with Deitrick Haddon and Vickie Winans
Need help with your energy bills? Live in Detroit, MI? Then please read and attend the following event. A reader told us that last year’s concert was a blessing and that they raised a lot of money to help a lot of people. So if you are in need please make your way to COBO…
Question of the Day: 2 South Carolina Women Collapse After Being Convicted to Life After Murdering 3 yr old Girl (Video). What Did They Expect?
After watching the above video as a Mother and a Christian I sit here a little confused. I am angry that a little girl lost her life at the hands of people whom her mother trusted. I am sad for the Mother of the convicted who whailed and screamed at her daughter in the courtroom.…
iChurch (IMPACT CHURCH) 'Reboot Conference' Detroit, MI November 13-16, 2011
Alright! I really like the advertisement for this Conference. What about you? What do you think of the ad? Well done to the talented creator of this ad AND if you are in The “D” go to the Conference and come back and let us know what you think. Would love to attend. November 13th…
Tramaine Hawkins – Holy One and Going Up Yonda (Video)
Tramaine Hawkins singing, “Holy One & Going Up Yonda”, for Pastor Suzette Caldwell’s Birthday Celebration at Windsor Village Methodist Church