Myron Butler – Speak (Video, Live)
“And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, ‘I believed and therefore I spoke,’ we also believe and therefore speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13, NKJ) Sometimes the only force for you or against you are the words you speak! Peace, RiverAngel42
Thought for the Day: Take Care of Others, God Takes Care of You Philippians 2
If you find that you spend a lot of time thinking about how the world bothers you instead of being the force, the change, the light in the world. When you find your sentences tend to begin with “I” and end in “ME” reflect on Philippians 2. Sometimes thinking of ourselves robs us of quality…
Rise Up – Hundreds of Kids Flash Mob at an Easter Celebration/Shoe Drive
Hundreds of Kid’s Lift Praises to Jesus in This Easter Flash Mob! from alegator21 on GodTube. Be Blessed, Riverangel42
April is Autism Awareness Month
Jesus Loves the Little Children, All the Little children of the World Red and Yellow Black and White They are precious in His sight Jesus loves the Little Children of the world! Everyone is beautiful in thier own way! What are you doing in your church community to help parents and/or children with whom Autism…
Jase Robertson – Duck Dynasty Reality TV Personality Shares His Testimony
Duck Dynasty Star Jase Robertson Speaks Out On His Faith! from sharethemessage on GodTube. I Know I am not the only one who watches this show and really likes it. However it makes it even more of a favorite once you hear the testimonies of this funny, duck hunting, duck call making CHRISTIAN FAMILY!