Moody Bible Institute Pastor’s and Leadership Conference
May 18–21, 2015 Torrey-Gray Auditorium Moody Bible Institute 820 N. LaSalle Blvd. Chicago, IL 60610
Bishop T D Jakes 2012 Pastors and Leaders Conference Bishop Tudor Bismark – You Will Know That I AM Annointed
Daniel 4:17 1 Kings 19 2 Kings 9
T D Jakes Woman Thou Art Loosed 2012 Conference October 4-6 (Pre-Register Today at Discounted Rate)
WTAL 2012 will be held in Atlanta at the Philips Arena! Don’t miss this opportunity to Pre-Register for Only $40 Today! If you attend please come back and share your experience with us. Be Blessed, RiverAngel42
Bishop T D Jakes 2012 Pastors and Leaders Conference – The Mission Is Not Impossible – May 3-5, 2012 Orlando, FL
Q: Who should attend the 2012 International Pastors & Leadership Conference? A: Pastors, Church Leaders, Community Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Executives, Worship Leaders or anyone with a vision to make a difference. Conference attendees will glean from experienced facilitators armed with practical strategies in various content areas, balanced with spiritual wisdom. In this environment, leaders teach leaders.…
Video and Book: Marvin Sapp Talks Business at the Inspiration and Music Conference
Marvin Sapp shares his thoughts on business at the Inspiration & Music Conference. His business ventures include a salon, recording studio, restaurant, charter school, and books. source: praisephilly.com/entertainment-news/praiseonline/marvin-sapp-talks-secrets-to-making-it-in-the-music-business/
Cory “Coco Brother Live” Condrey – Woman Thou Art Loosed Testimonies (Video)
Cory “Coco Brother Live” Condrey conducts interviews at the Woman Thou Art Loosed Conference held at Lakewood Church. John 10:10
iChurch (IMPACT CHURCH) 'Reboot Conference' Detroit, MI November 13-16, 2011
Alright! I really like the advertisement for this Conference. What about you? What do you think of the ad? Well done to the talented creator of this ad AND if you are in The “D” go to the Conference and come back and let us know what you think. Would love to attend. November 13th…