With God All Things Are Possible! Even College, Here Is Some Help
Are You A High School Student Or Parent Of A High School Student? Did you know that 3.3 million High School Seniors will graduate this year? Of those, 2.1 million will apply for college. Who gets accepted to the college of their choice and who gets rejected depends on many factors. What Are The TOP…
Saturday Morning Reminder – Out Of The Mouths Of Babes!
Psalms 8:2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger
Poetry- Undefined
Undefined By: RiverAngel42 I am undefined by you Perfectly designed by my God so very dear He whispered a secret in my ear, The words flowing sweet and clear “Be who you are, for there is a life for you that I want Do not look to the left or the right when the voices…
Ashmont Hill – Praise His Name (Live)
[ad] I guess it has turned into Youth Day on Online Fellowship today. It does my heart well to have come across so many videos with children and Young Adults singing and playing praises to God. They call our children so many negative things in the media, in the schools and some even in their…