Real Peace: Freedom and Conscience in the Christian Life by Warren W. Wiersbe (Free Book June 25, 2014)
Publication Date: March 1, 2003 In Real Peace, Warren Wiersbe’s practical, Scripture-based teaching helps Christians develop a life of peace and freedom. A combination of two Wiersbe classics, Enjoy Your Freedom and Meet Your Conscience, it shows why true freedom does not come from living as we wish, but from living in relationship to God.…
Man of God: Leading Your Family by Allowing God to Lead You by Charles Stanley (Free Book June 17)
Book Description Publication Date: June 1, 2013 What does it take to be a “real” man? You don’t have to be perfect to be a man of God. As Dr. Charles Stanley writes, a man of God is a maturing man, a striving man, a knowledgeable man. And the first step in real manhood is spiritual…
10 People Every Christian Should Know by Warren W. Wiersbe (Free Book)
Everyone needs inspiration to lead lives that honor God. When our faith is weak or the pressures of the world seem overwhelming, remembering the great men and women of the past can inspire us to renewed strength and purpose. Our spiritual struggles are not new, and the stories of those who have gone before can…
A Well-Worn Path: Thirty-One Daily Reflections for the Worshipping Heart by Dan Wilt (Free Book)
A Well-Worn Path is a beautiful collection of thirty-one brief daily spiritual reflections to renew your heart. Written by respected worship leader and teacher Dan Wilt, each devotional gives you a daily “boost of the Spirit,” helping you find your well-worn path of intimacy with God. Designed for daily use, these short readings present a…
Appleseeds by Betty Huizenga (Free Book)
You are important to God – so important that He wants you to be all you can be for Him! Girls — Have you ever wished you had an older woman–someone besides mom–to talk to about important things? Do you sometimes find it hard to understand what God is saying in His Word, the Bible?…
Body Broken: Can Republicans and Democrats Sit in the Same Pew? by Charles D. Drew (Free Book)
As the next presidential election comes into view, Americans are deciding where to stand on key issues. The church has often been as politically divided as the culture, but Charles Drew offers an alternative for people who care deeply about their faith, about Christian harmony, and about the church’s calling in the world. In this…