Bishop T.D. Jakes – Let it Go (Book and Video)
Bishop TD Jakes teaches the art of forgiveness as a daily practice. In order to practice forgiveness, he explains, we must first learn new styles of conflict resolution and new forms of anger management. To that end, he shows us how to recognize offenses when they come, establish boundaries, encourage purity of heart, develop trust,…
Roland Martin Talks With Bishop TD Jakes and His Daughter Sarah Henson About Her Teenage Pregnancy(Video)
Roland Martin talks with Bishop TD Jakes and his daughter, Sarah Henson, about her getting pregnant at 14 years old.
Roland Martin and Bishop TD Jakes – The Fatherhood Crisis In The Black Community (Video)
Bishop T.D. Jakes, the pastor of The Potter’s House in Dallas, TX discusses the fatherhood crisis in the black community. The full episode of the Washington Watch with Roland Martin is set to air on TV One 12-25-11 and 1-1-12.
Roland Martin Talks Politics, Poverty, and Religion With Bishop TD Jakes (Video)
Roland Martin Talks Politics, Poverty, and Religion With Bishop TD Jakes. Jakes is the Senior Pastor of the 30,000-member congregation, The Potter’s House in Dallas, TX.
Bishop T.D. Jakes Conversation With Don Lemon 12-10-11 (Video and Book)
Bishop TD Jakes talks about his new book, “The Relationship Bible”. CNN’s Don Lemon ask Bishop Jakes to share his thoughts on politics, occupy wall street, child sex abuse, parenting, and Bishop Eddie Long.
Cory “Coco Brother Live” Condrey – Woman Thou Art Loosed Testimonies (Video)
Cory “Coco Brother Live” Condrey conducts interviews at the Woman Thou Art Loosed Conference held at Lakewood Church. John 10:10
Calling All Detroiters! Bishop TD Jakes Will Be At Second Ebenezer TONIGHT!
As copied from Pastor Edgar Vann Twitter page. The tweet below gives you all the details. BREAKING NEWS: BISHOP T.D. JAKES WILL BE PREACHING AT SECOND EBENEZER CHURCH WEDNESDAY NIGHT NOV.9 7PM. Are you going? DO you know where Second Ebenezer is located? Not sure…I’ll get the address for you 🙂 14601 Dequindre Road Detroit,…
2011 Book List: Bishop TD Jakes NEW Relationship Bible Release Date November 22, 2011 (Pre-Order NOW)
Let’s face it, we all have questions about relationships in life. When you lay your head down on the pillow at night, do you find these questions about your relationship with God running through your mind? How can I know God personally? Can I find peace and true contentment? What is the purpose of my…