TD Jakes: Patience & Time: -The Family Building Blocks
what I love about the word of God it 0:02does 0:03not show us just the grandiose 0:07ideologies of successful families that 0:10have no turbulence but from the very 0:12first 0:14family he warns us that families will be 0:19complicated 0:22conflicted 0:25disfunctional if the first 0:28family was dysfunctional 0:33the Apple couldn’t fall too far from the 0:36tree…
Take The Mask Off: A Conversation About Mental Health
Faith leaders just like you through this this Learning Hub you will gain access 16:31to an array of resources including expert courses informative videos and 16:37engaging activities that aim to deepen your understanding of mental health and 16:42emotional well-being help you strengthen your own mental health and impact your 16:48community for the good according to…
I’m Sick of This – Bishop Joel Tudman [September 8, 2019]
God is always moving, and because the enemy is an imitator, he follows suit. Sometimes, we may feel as though everything is moving except us; however, today, that will change. God is summoning our help in the form of friends who can carry us, yet we must be willing to carry others as well. We…
Bishop TD Jakes – Strengthen what remains (09/26/2018)
https://youtu.be/lSDnas5Vwlg this video is ownership of Bishop TD Jakes. I do not own it. I am only sharing it. God bless
Bishop T.D. Jakes: God knows what’s in you! #LiveJakes
https://youtu.be/Xx_IvayV23U God knows what’s in you. He uses these steps to stretch us, to develop us, to get us prepared for the next level. The journey is more important than the destination. If you’re not prepared by the journey, if you won’t learn what you’re supposed to learn along the way, you won’t be able…
God to do something incredible in your life!
https://youtu.be/zMjjXTUuaYI Sunday Morning Service at The Potter’s House. Subscribe Now! God is going to fill your mouth with laughter.” Some of this laughter is going to be from the amazing things you see God do. He’s going to make things happen that you didn’t see coming. #GetReady
You have to turn your cares over to God! #LiveJakes
https://youtu.be/MljCiO7DrVE If you’re waiting for all the details, you’ll be waiting your whole life. We all want to be comfortable, but being in God’s perfect will can make you a little uncomfortable. There’s a healthy tension where you have to stretch, you have to pray, you have to believe. That’s when you’re growing. That’s when…
The Golden Lampstand TD Jakes – The Potter’s House Aug 12
https://youtu.be/3KD82XuzB1Y Subscribe Now ! Watch New Service at The Potter’s House Post at Get Ready. We cannot break bread with a God we are not in covenant with. #GoldenLampstand #GetReady