Bishop George Bloomer Talks Ministry with Bishop TD Jakes (Video)
Bishop George Bloomer Talks Ministry with Bishop TD Jakes
Bishop George G. Bloomer – Open Discussion (Video)
Were you there when they crucified Jesus? Preaching is for soul winning. 1 John 5 calls into being things that were not Romans 4 What is an Apostle? Are you called to ministry? What do dreams mean?
Bethel Family Worship Center – Bishop George G. Bloomer (Streaming Video)
Watch Bishop George G. Bloomer pastor of Bethel Family Worship Center Live Broadcasts Sundays 8:30a & 11:30a EST Tuesdays 8:15p EST
2011 State of the Black Family Recap (Video)
Dr. Jamal Bryant – “If the pastor is the only person in the church doing well, then the church is out of order. If the pastor and the first lady are the only ones in the Lexus and the BMW and the members are on the bus stop, it’s out of order and demonic”
State Of the Black Family Summit, Friday September 9, 2011 Greater Grace Temple Detroit, MI
Bishop Charles Ellis, III and Greater Grace Temple to host the State of The Black Family Summit this Friday in Detroit, MI. Free Admission to all of the Evening Sessions. Those sessions will begin at 5pm. Panel to include Bishop Rudolph McKissick, Jr., Dr. John Newman, Bishop, Darryl Brister, Bishop Liston Page, Dr. Janet Floyd,…