The Bible on Spiritual Growth
The Bible has numerous passages on spiritual growth and developing a closer relationship with God. Here are a few key verses:
Apply Philippians 4:8 to Our Daily Life
One way to apply Philippians 4:8 to daily life is to make a conscious effort to focus on positive thoughts and experiences. This can involve actively seeking out things that are “true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy,” and making an effort to think about them regularly. Some practical strategies to do this…
Bishop TD Jakes – Strengthen what remains (09/26/2018)
https://youtu.be/lSDnas5Vwlg this video is ownership of Bishop TD Jakes. I do not own it. I am only sharing it. God bless
T.D. Jakes 2018, Miles McPherson – We have to fight for justice for everyone – Sep 23, 2018
https://youtu.be/SSrdYbkppGo T.D. Jakes 2018, Miles McPherson – The Third Option – The Potter’s House Sunday Service – Sep 23, 2018 (9/23/2018) #TPHOnline #SundayMorning #TheThirdOption Peace that is ratified without justice is dysfunction. We are God’s diamonds; We are to reflect His glory. God Bless You.
TD Jakes Sep 23 – God has called us to be a prophet not a pacifist !!!
https://youtu.be/X6yN0pVS_V0 Subscribe Now ! Watch New Service at The Potter’s House Post at #GetReady. If God is going to do something in our world, we’ve got to start seeing people as our neighbors.” – #TheThirdOption #SundayMorning
Dr. Jamal Bryant – Sometimes i feel like i’m falling apart
https://youtu.be/5nXfUGH4jrI Pastor Jamal Bryant 23/09/2018.Today messenger: Sometimes i feel like i’m falling apart. Watch more videos here : https://goo.gl/GZacML