TD JAKES – #Sunday – The Homeless Jesus – JULY 16,2017
“The Homeless Jesus” Matthew 8:19-20; Mark 6:1-7
We all need somewhere to nest in order to make us feel safe. Discovering your purpose will create displacement; to walk in your purpose is to lose your sense of home. It is wise to remain unfamiliar! Your problem may not be your potential, it very well may be the perception of those around you have. Have you made it your goal to win somebody over that does not like you? You are MORE than how others see you! The moment you find out who you are, you will also discover that you do not fit! Displacement will push you into your purpose. Sometimes we don’t get the best out of the people God sends us because of our perceptions of them. Don’t allow your familiarity with someone cause you to miss what God has for you. What have you done with what God has given you; Have you become common with Him? You have to apply what you have been exposed to in your situation. God will sometimes keep you lonely to keep you exclusive, He can’t use you as mightily once you become familiar. When God puts you in people’s lives, sometimes it is Him loving & teaching them through you! As soon as you open yourself up for God to use you, you can do things man never thought was possible!
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