Why Are You So Hard Headed? #perichurch #scopeafterdark

When Namaan was confronted by Elisha, he thought Elisha was going to come out and perform for his healing. Instead, Elisha told his servant to tell Namaan to go and dip 7 times in the Jordan River. Elisha was furious, How dare he tell me, a mighty man, to go bath in dirty water. Namaan’s right hand man had to remind him, “You have leprosy.” Namaan (against his better judgment) did as he was commanded and dipped 7 times in the Jordan River. To his amazement, his skin cleared up.

Are you willing to do what God says to do? Are you being hardheaded today? Obedience trumps faith. You must be willing to do what God says do against your better judgment. There is power in obedience.


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