Venus Burton – S.T.U.D.: A Shared Testimony of Unashamed Deliverance (Video and Book)

S.T.U.D. is the story of a lonely, little girl who accidentally took a wrong turn in life. Isolated and confused early in life, young Venus came to believe that she was something that she wasn’t – anything to fill the mother-sized hole in her aching heart. Then one day, she stepped into a lifestyle, not her own, and yet, she began to fly. Eventually, music proved to be her momentary salvation. By 2010, Venus L. Burton, aka Rapper Booski Love, slithered amid the dark caverns of danger, lust and power-play. She soared among the stars of the underground rap scene and survived the night — but only barely. Then, in 2010, at the pinnacle of her career, Booski Love experienced a certain moment of clarity. She woke up from her underground daze and stared straight into eternity, where she saw her one, true love standing…waiting…with open arms. It was The Christ — the Lover of her soul – and she came to realize that He had never left her side. Booski Love died that day. Today, the star of Venus shines brightly, advertising Christ’s holy name in all the earth, as she gives all glory to God. You’ll read it in her story, you’ll hear it in her music, you’ll get the immediate sense that Venus L. Burton is being positioned for a new power-stage. It’s a new day for Venus as she rides the wings of her destiny. You’ll be fascinated by her journey. “Bravo!” raves everyone who reads this book!

S.T.U.D.: A Shared Testimony of Unashamed Deliverance (Book)
S.T.U.D.: A Shared Testimony of Unashamed Deliverance


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