Luke’s Gospel: Investigating the Man Who Is God
Part 87: The Times of the Gentiles
Luke 21:20-28
Sermon excerpt:
See, there’s something in us that wants global harmony and unity and racial reconciliation and cultural reconciliation and gender reconciliation and economic reconciliation. Well, his name is Jesus. And the only reconciliation that is really possible is when we live for something bigger than our nation, bigger than our race, bigger than our gender. We live for the glory of God. We live as the people of God. We live as the church of God. And as Jesus is central among us, and exalted by us, then we become a people that don’t have anything in common other than the God we worship and the one who brings us together.
So even at Mars Hill, what a weird tribe we are. Young and old and black and white and brown and rich and poor and educated and simple—this crazy diversity. Different generations and life stages. So what brings you all together? How did you become a people? How did you become a community? Ah, Jesus. He loved us all, he pursued us all, he served us all, he saved us all. As a result, he is the center that brings us together, and we gather not around a place, but a person, and as a result we become a people finding our identity in the love of our Savior. That’s all that is meant by the times of the Gentiles. That’s exactly what God is doing.
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