Over the past few days there has been a lot of talk about Pastor(?) Terry Jones and his demonstration to burn the Kuran. The Kuran for Muslims is the equivalent to the Bible for us Christains.
Do you feel as though The Quran should be treated with the same regard as Huck Finn and other books that people have burned in protest? Or do you feel that the Koran should be respected as an important part of the Muslim culture and not burned? Do you feel as though God would want us to show love and respect to those of the Muslim faith. Or because there are some who are radical we should go to far extremes to show our disapproval of what they believe. Does offending all prove that we are in disagreement with the extremist? Should we then burn the Bible every time someone who says they are Christian does some thing that we don’t agree with? Also, How does this burning pay tribute/homage to the many Americans (Christians, Muslims, Atheist, Agnostic, Jehovah Witnesses) who lost their lives on September 11?
Let’s talk about it. It’s a hot topic so we are sure you might line up anywhere along the spectrum. We want to know what you think. If you have any Muslim co-workers or friends, please invite them to come and comment as well. We welcome their perspective also.
Be Blessed and don’t be afraid to speak out on the things you believe in!
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