We all know someone in our church home like this, however what is his/her purpose?
It seems to me that in this day and age there are several people who go to churches that are not meeting their Spiritual needs. Having grown up the PGK (Pastor’s Grand Kid) and the majority of my cousins or Uncles also being Pastors, one thing I know for certain is that there are several churches and several types of churches all over this great country. So then why is it that someone would stay at a church where they are not being taught, ministered to or fed?
It’s interesting because having grown up in the church I have heard a lot of conversations/complaints about what the church is or is not doing. As though the parishioners or congregation are oblivious to the fact that THEY ARE the church. Meaning if there is something not being done, there’s a possibility it’s not being done because you never took the initiative to stop complaining and get it done. Can someone help me understand? I have had this conversation with my other half before and he believes that there is almost a certain social status that comes from being able to say I am a member of this church or The Good Rev. Dr So and So is my Pastor. So have we reached a point where people think that the church is more important than God’s work being done here on earth? Serving the man and not the Master?
Is this what we have let church become? My feeling on it is, a church is like any family it has its problems and areas that need to be fixed, healed, repaired. However as the members we also need to keep in mind that if we are not part of the solution then many times we are part of the problem.
What do you think?
Scripture tells us if we have ought against our brother we should go to him. Matthew 18:15, Matthew 5:23-24
Do you see this happening in your church?
How about forgiveness? Matthew 6:14-15
Community Outreach? Matthew 25:31-40
The things that you complain about in your church, if any, are you the person who tries to correct them or do you feel you can’t help? Why or why not? James 1:22
If you felt your Pastor was out of reach, meaning you could not talk to him or know him would you feel connected to the church? Ephesians 4:1-13
Be Blessed,
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