Georgia Mass Choir ft. Rev.Milton Biggham/Agnes Coney – Come In The Room
13 responses to “Georgia Mass Choir ft. Rev.Milton Biggham/Agnes Coney – Come In The Room”
Every time I look this up & hear this song with Mrs Agnes Coney I get teary eyed & goosebumps!!! It just moves something in my soul!!!! It touches home. I wish I could have met her and heard her many stories and loving singing of old gospel songs. If only she knew she touched so many people’s hearts with this song! Her family should be so proud! I will ALWAYS remember this song deep down in my soul until the day I die and probably will sing this song when my time is drawing near!! Just know no matter what color my skin is or how young I am (30 yrs old) she has touched my heart beyond words with this tribute of song! If only it was sung in all churches more often … But thank god for YouTube so I can listen to it any time I wish!! God Bless everyone!!!
@Stephanie Parker You put into words perfectly everything I feel when I hear this song too
What year did Ms.Agnes die ? And how old was she ? I often wonder about her… I just loved this song..
Did ms Agnes Coney pass if so when. I loved her and the song come on in the room forever.
She was in her 80’s when this song was made…
how old is the old lady might i ask
I love this song…We need some of this old time Gospels back in the church. We all need Jesus to Come On in the Room.
….Yes, we still sing some songs from back in the day!
We all should they keep us grounded. Sometimes we gotta go back to go forward!
I recenly heard this song at a church in Dearborn. I wanted the choir to sing it, but couldn’t think of the song in rehearsal. It’s funny how the spirit works sometimes. “Thanks Online Fellowship.”
Glad WE could be of service!
This song reminds me of my church back home when I ws growing up and my Grandfather was pastor.
Then when I listen to it sometimes I am so tickled by her pure worship, no pretend, no dress up just real from the heart.
I remeber the first time I heard this song. It moved me to tears.
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